When you spend more money on a bag, the quality of that bag is better. Think about your current favorite handbag. How much did you pay for it? How is it constructed? How often do you replace your bag? The bag is constructed of better, long-lasting materials such as leather, which makes it last longer. When you purchase an expensive bag, you won’t exactly get the full retail value for it; but you’ll get a decent amount. In the long run, it’s more cost efficient to purchase one more expensive bag; instead of purchasing cheaper bags more frequently.Â
Here are some designer bag options that are worth it:
1. Givenchy Antigona Medium Textured-Leather Tote
2. Mansur Gavriel Leather Bucket Bag
3. Louis Vuitton Neverfull Tote
4. Chanel Classic Quilted Handbag
5. Chloé Faye Medium Leather & Suede Shoulder Bag
6. CĂ©line Luggage Phantom Tote