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My Thoughts on the 2018-2019 School Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

This past school year has been an absolute whirlwind. Between meeting some of my best friends, changing my major, diving deeper into my relationship, taking on new leadership roles… I could go on for what seems like forever. It’s been a year of growth and change- two things that are necessary to life but are also scary. Overall, there’s one thing I’d like to say to the last school year: thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to become the person I am today. 

Thank you for giving me the opportunities to meet some of the best people I’ve ever encountered.

Thank you for challenging me in ways I never would have thought.

I am beyond excited to see what my senior year holds. There will be a lot of changes and big decisions that need to be made. Even though a part of me never wants to graduate because I feel like I’ve found my home among the people and places here, I’m ready to move on to the next chapter of my life. 

Linsey Wolf

Gustavus '20

Hello! My name is Linsey. I study English Education at Gustavus. In my free time I enjoy reading, drinking coffee, spending time with my friends and being outdoors.