April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and this year it has even more relevance than ever before, especially for college campuses. With the proposed changes to Title IX, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has put survivor protections in grave jeopardy. Changes such as removing trans students from access to protections to the proposition of cross-examination makes it difficult for survivors on college campuses, and matters may get worse.
With these harsh changes in mind, April is the perfect month to show survivors your support and take action! Here are some great ways you can get involved this Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Volunteer at RACES
If you are looking to show your support to survivors in the most direct way possible, volunteering at RACES, the University’s local Rape Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services center, is the best way to do it. Anyone 18 and older can apply to be a volunteer. Volunteer duties include service twice a month with the on-call service hotline. RACES will provide any continuing education or training requirements necessary for this position.
Attend the Rally Against Rape Culture
If you don’t have the ability to squeeze a full-time commitment, such as volunteering, into your schedule, no worries! On April 13 beginning at 1 p.m., go to the Main Quad for the Rally Against Rape Culture. This event, hosted by Students Against Sexual Assault and many activist organizations on campus, seeks to call out troubling proposed changes to Title IX policy as imposed by Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.
Have your RSO host an ICARE Workshop
If you are on the board of a student organization or even just a general member, take the opportunity to address important issues such as healthy relationships, bystander intervention, consent, and the like. These programs in sexual assault prevention are important to address regardless of what your organization is about. This is one great way to raise awareness and stand up against rape culture.
While donations can be difficult for college students, if you can manage to spare a few dollars, donating to organizations like RACES, the #MeToo Movement, and Students Against Sexual Assault are extremely helpful ways to show your support to survivors and advocates alike. If money is tight, take this opportunity to scrounge up some lightly used clothing and donate to a local women’s shelter like Courage Connections. If neither of these options work, no worries. Donate your time to any organization working to advocate, educate and raise awareness on this extremely important subject.
Show Your Support for SASA
If you are a student looking to join an organization that works around sexual assault prevention and survivor support, look no further than Students Against Sexual Assault. With an array of events planned for April, keeping an eye on the SASA calendar via Facebook, signing up for the email list, and simply attending events is a great way to contribute in an impactful way this month.