“If a friendship lasts longer than seven years, it will last a lifetime.”
Who knows if this extremely Pinterest-worthy quote has any merit to it? All I can say is I personally have had friendships for longer than seven years that I no longer have, but I also have some that I still hold very close to my heart. Are lifelong friendships real, and can they work? That is quite a lot to unpack right there, so let’s do it.
Photo Courtesy of Sarah Hanlon
First off, it is 100 percent possible to still be good friends with someone even if you don’t talk to them every day. It’s even okay to go a few months without talking to someone and still consider them your close friend. In today’s world, it seems like everyone is connected all of the time, which is an amazing thing, but it also puts pressure on people to be talking and communicating with each other all the time. Oh, you don’t have ongoing Snapchat streaks with your best friends from high school? Are you guys still even close then? These are some of the most annoying questions to deal with, but people still ask them. Surprisingly, friendship has nothing to do with how often you communicate through social media.
Photo Courtesy of Maddy Oldham
However, I do appreciate Snapchat itself because I have the ability to see my friends’ faces, who I don’t usually see every day, at my convenience. I even think of commenting on Instagram photos as a little way of saying, “Hey I’m thinking of you and I love you and I hope you’re doing well!” Technology can definitely be used to keep consistent communication with friends who live far away, but no one should feel pressured to use it as such. With that being said, it is extremely important that when you are talking with a friend who you don’t see a lot, you are completely present with them.
Photo Courtesy of Courtney Adema
Sometimes, schedules just will not match up to be able to talk, especially with friends from home. Therefore, it is important that when you do get to talk with these people, you be completely there with them. I have friends who I will go almost entire semesters without really talking to, but when we do finally get together or get to talk on the phone, we can talk for hours on end just catching up on what’s been going on. This two-hour-long phone call can feel like 20 minutes when it’s with a true homie.
Photo Courtesy of Margaret Engel
One final thought that is important to keep in mind as you and your friends get older is that it is inevitable for people to grow and change constantly throughout their lives. Remember to always be open and supportive to your friends as they tread along many different paths throughout their lives. Be a home for those you love, and have a home in those you love.
Photo Courtesy of Katie Pericak