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What to Do When You Have Puppy Fever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Those of us that are dog lovers understand the struggle of having puppy fever, or that overwhelming urge to have a pup of your own. This is especially tough in college because busy schedules, landlords, and roommates can make it hard to bring furry friends into the picture.


Believe me, I’ve been in plenty puppy fever frenzies of my own so I relate to the struggle. At this point I’m pretty much a pro, so here are some ways that I satisfy my dog-loving needs.


Visit Gap View Kennel

This is my favorite way to fulfill my need for some puppy love. For a $5 donation to the kennel, you can pet all the Golden Retrievers your heart desires.


Volunteer at Your Local Animal Shelter

Volunteering is an awesome way to get your puppy fix in while giving back two your community.


Spend Time With Friends that Have Dogs

It’s time to become BFF’s with Becky that sits in front of you in History class when you find out she just adopted a lab mix.


Become a Pet Sitter

Pet sitting is great because you can make money doing by something that makes you happy.


Hopefully these ideas can help you, like they help me, the next time you experience puppy fever.

School of Media Arts and Design student with a concentration in Interactive Design. Campus Correspondent for the JMU chapter of Her Campus, Campus Coordinator for Rent the Runway on Campus, and Social Media Marketing Intern for Auntie Anne's.