Whether it’s for school, a job, or just because you’ve come to that point in your life where you’re ready for change, eventually most of us will move out of our parents’ homes and into our own places. For me, this change came about when I was 18, and just about to begin my undergrad. I was beyond excited, as this was something I dreamed about since I was 15. But, as the time came closer for me to say goodbye, I began getting more and more nervous about my capabilities of being a self-sufficient adult. I am now in my second year of living out of my parents’ home, and it has been nothing short of an adventure. There are good days and bad days, but overall, I like to think that I’m surviving pretty well. Here are the top ten things I think everyone should know before moving out.
- Find out when garbage day is in your city
Especially if you are moving to a new city like I did, do yourself a favour and find out when garbage day is. Having to keep week old garbage in your kitchen isn’t fun for anyone, and it certainly does get smelly.
- Your toilet (or washing machine, or dishwasher, or stove) will probably break
One of these things is bound to break eventually, and here’s a heads up…you probably won’t know how to fix it. In this case, I would recommend a phone call to dad, but if that’s not an option, YouTube will be your new best friend.
- Put baking soda in your fridge
It’s just food, how could it smell, right? Wrong. Placing an open box of baking soda in your fridge every 3 to 6 months can really benefit the state of your fridge. Even if your food isn’t gone bad, your fridge will inevitably get “the funk” over time. And trust me, if your food does go bad, baking soda will make the situation a little less cringe worthy by deodorizing.
- Fold your clothes right after you wash them
I know, I know, we are all guilty of somehow finding the motivation to wash and dry our clothes but folding them can be a huge pain. I have come to learn the hard way that if you don’t fold them right away, they will either end up on your floor or on a chair that has you questioning whether they are clean or dirty. Just fold them. It’ll pay off in the long run by saving you time later.
- Find out what you can and can’t cheap out on
$12 coffee maker from Walmart? Probably okay. $1 stain remover from the Dollar Store? I don’t think so. Throughout the process of buying the necessities for your new place, you will quickly learn what needs to be bought from a store other than the Dollar Tree (rest in peace to the three-dollar store can openers I had).
- Make sure you have a fire extinguisher
Sometimes pots of ramen set on fire. And sometimes the towel you use to remove the pot of ramen will set on fire also (true story). Long story short, fires will happen, and it’s important you stay safe when they do. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher, and make sure you know how to use it!
- Always keep a backup of batteries and candles
You never know when the power could go out, and you’ll thank yourself if you are stocked up on these essentials! (This goes for toilet paper too!)
- Learn to be by yourself
It can be hard living on your own, even if you have roommates. There certainly are times when you will feel lonely, but it is important to learn how to be on your own and keep yourself company.
- Learn how to make at least one great meal
We all know learning to cook can be a struggle, especially if you only have yourself to rely on as a teacher. If you learn to make a least one great meal, you will always have something to fall back on when entertaining, or even just for the home cooking cravings.
- Home is only one call away
Moving away from home is difficult, there is no doubt about it. In these times it is important to remember that home is only one phone call away, and your family and friends will be there to support you every step of the way. P.S. check out Maeva’s article with even more tips on how to make yourself feel at home!
No matter where you end up, just know that you are capable of making the most out of it, and that growing pains are totally normal. There is no shame in asking for help along the way!