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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.


The following poem is called a Cento. A Cento is a poetic form made up of lines from other poets. These lines are put together in a new order to create an entirely different poem.



she is sensitive to spotlights (1)

   and sensitive to judgments. (1)

sensitive to opinions of what (1)

   she does or doesn’t, but she (1)

is a star none the less. she is (2)

   a storm. a magnificent force (2)

writing her life’s story in (2)

   lightning. she’s an artist (3)

in the way she pieces (3)

   herself back together. she’s (4)

full of pain but filled with fight. (4)


(1) “30Fish”— Jhené Aiko

(2) “with lightning” — r.h. Sin

(3) “she’s an artist” — r.h. Sin

(4) “November 22nd” — r.h. Sin

A Creative Writing major who just wants to read, write, and live.
Hello, my name is Sa Maria Boyd. I am a Louisiana native raised in the beautiful city of Fort Worth, Texas. I am a really fun person ( at least I'd like to think). I graduated high school in 2015 from the wonderful Western Hills High School. In my four years there, I was apart of the Color Guard, Key Club, Senior Board, My goal is to travel the world and learn about different cultures so that I can help the world become more unified. I am currently attending Stephen F. Austin State University where I will be receiving my Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communications with a minor in Psychology in May of 2019. While I have been in school, I have held the positions of Social Media Director/Vice President for Her Campus SFA, and Vice President for the 6812 Chapter of the NAACP. I have also worked on the Crew, the television production organization for the Mass Communications department, KSAU 90.1--The Axe, and all three shows for SFA TV2.