It’s the dirty little secret that everyone is doing but no one is talking about. Yes, you guessed it. SEX! Isn’t it about time we spread the word?
Introducing Great Sexpectations, your go- to source for on loving yourself, feeling sexy, maintaining healthy relationships, handling one night stands, feelings and so much more!
In this week’s Great Sexpectations we will be reviewing the top strangest condom flavors on the market. Some of these sound good enough to eat and some might make you stop and just wonder why this was even something being sold on the market.
ONE Condoms: Island Punch-“A Tropical Vacation to Remember”
This condom just might get you to stop for a minute and imagine your on a beautiful beach. A nude beach perhaps. ;)
ONE Condoms: Banana Split- “If Banana Splits Could Change the World”
ONE Condoms: Chocolate Strawberry- “Bring Champagne.”
Pretty woman anyone?
Trustex Cola Flavored Condoms
“Got a simultaneous hankering for some soda and some sex? Not a problem! No need to make a run to the convenience store. Simply combine your two unquenchable cravings into one glorious occasion”-CondomDepot
J&D’s Bacon flavored condoms
“These specialty condoms not only taste like bacon, they’re even printed to look like bacon.”- Cosmopolitan Magazine. Who’s bringing home the bacon now? ;)