Going to college, especially far from home, is a big adjustment. There are new people, you live in a new state and you have a totally new workload. It’s hard starting up a new chapter of your life. For many people, it’s the first real change that they have ever experienced. That’s why there are certain essentials that every college freshman NEEDS. Here are the essentials: Â
People are literally always sick, it’s actually insane. Therefore, medicine like Airborne is such an essential. They try to get ahead of the sickness, which is what everyone really needs.
2. Sleep Mask
Light floods in incredibly easily, even when the blinds are shut. I am personally very sensitive to light and wake up early when there’s too much light. Sleeps masks are such an easy fix to that problem. I picked up one from Target in January and have not slept without it since.
3. Ear Plugs
A reality of living in a dorm is that it gets noisy. For those nights where all you want to do is sleep but can’t because of all the noise going on outside your door, pop these in your ears and you’re golden. The noise fades out and you can finally get your much desired sleep.
4. Rain Boots
I spent the first half of the year without rain boots and I got really tired of ruining my white sneakers. It rains an insane amount and it seems that the only shoes I own are white. Having rain boots here has been a game changer. My shoes no longer get ruined and my socks manage to stay dry.
5. Shower Shoes Â
This might be the most important thing any college freshman could ever have. I can attest that the showers are not safe to put your bare feet on. These handy shower shoes keep your feet safe. Life would be VERY challenging without them.