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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

To rid the body is to rid the mind of all unhealthy, poisonous substances.

Poisonous in the sense of the forbidden fruit, killing the purity, erasing everything that was once created to be grown in good faith.

The allure of something that is so irresistible, it has been told to you as a fact thus you accept it to be so.

Yet you still find yourself seeping closer and closer to the immaculate.

But then you remember.

Once it has touched your hand, the echo of the warning returns and you find yourself purposely ignoring the cautions, illy willed and blinded by an illusion.

Everything would make sense once you have it, it’s right in front of you, it’s too late now, it is inevitable.

The moon is stepped on by the sun and the enamor becomes a slave to the light, the picture is complete and sat at your alter.

Judgement though becomes the denial of one’s conscience.

It is easier to detox the body, yes it is too possible to allow for distance to assist you in making it clear.

But to detox the mind is trying to control the seasons—too rapid and constant to alter yet the cycle has become embedded to memory.

When the very thing you spent months trying to remove from your being, is dangled in the mirror of your eyes, it takes all the self control to continue the detox.

Yes, this is it, you’ve taught your body to reject and, to the best of your ability, trained your mind to replace it—but can your soul forget?

Heart is the enemy of detox, it severed its ties with both the body and mind which makes it the most dangerous. The bravest to survive on its own, now tasked with bringing them both down.

How quickly we remember the path we forced ourselves to become foreign to, often lacking the complete ability to destroy it so we push it as far back so we don’t dabble in temptation.

By being deprived of it for so long we disable the realization that it drove you to your breaking point—we forget that it was once the worst thing for us.

Detox allows us to believe we are forgiving what it did to us.

The very thing that made it so bad we had to force ourselves to go on living without it due to the fear that it could be your end if you allow it to continue.

It’s a lie.

You may find that excuse to forgive yourself from letting it happen, but once you see it again you know you never forgot.

Realizing that the answer lies not in the detox which commands the body and mind, but in the only ally of time.


Wanna be lawyer who's knee deep in the fashion industry with a caffeine addiction (: