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Simplest Ways To Avoid Cold/Flu Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.
The one thing that has never failed to catch up with me upon returning to UNCW’s wonderful campus, is cold/flu season. While we all can’t wait for syllabus week (my favorite of course), cleaning and sanitizing isn’t necessarily highlighted in our planners as a “to-do”. While I can always count on being sick the first few weeks of the semester, here are some tips and tricks that help me get through whatever cold is brought to me as a welcoming gift back to campus! 
1. Getting rest
Staying in and taking time for yourself is always helpful. While we all usually try to continue our day and just power through, it’s not always the best idea considering that’s how most people catch/spread their germs. Taking a day before worse becomes worse may be your best case scenario if you’re feeling that this cold season may hit you hard! 
2. Sanitization
Here’s where the definition of prevention really comes into play! Sanitize EVERYTHING. Doorknobs and cabinets especially! This is a sure way to keep your chances of getting sick lower. 
3. Eating green
While eating leafy greens is diet healthy, it also boosts your immune system! Salads for every meal through cold season? Bring it on. 
4. Vitamins 
Vitamin D is so very important for maintaining immune health throughout the entire year. Vitamin D is easily accessible from any grocery or drug store. It has also been said that your immune health has a better turn out when choosing D3 versions of vitamin D! 
5. Hydrate
Whether it be water or green tea, find something to keep yourself hydrated! My personal favorite is chamomile with some honey. If you’re not one for seeping your own tea, some Starbucks carry a great line of “Harney and Sons” teas! Peppermint and ginger tea also help soothe the throat if you’re feeling a little sore. 
Up, out and about does nothing for you if you’re feeling under the weather. Sleep is your best friend and you should spend lots of time together! Your social life may take a day(s) off, but trust me, it’ll be way worth it when you’re not making doctors appointments or missing other events. 
While these supplements are a foolproof way to guarantee the absence of sickness in your life, it will definitely decrease the risks! These tips also can be included in your everyday life, not just cold and flu season! I will definitely learn to take more vitamins and care of my body before next year (hopefully). 
[All gifs courtesy of giphy.com]