The beginning of a new year is like fresh crisp layer of white snow before you’ve walked in it– a blank slate where you can make your own path. New Year’s Eve celebrates a new beginning, another chance to start over and do all the things you promised to do but never did.
Lose ten pounds. Go to the gym more often. Eat better. Drink more water. Get better grades during the new semester.
Sound familiar? When looking back at my Ghost of New Year Resolutions’ Past, there’s been a disappointing trend. Every year I make the same list of resolutions that focus on my appearance. For the first two months I’m diligent at trying to keep up with them but slowly I start lapsing back into old habits.
My life feels like a hectic, chaotic mess, and like all young adults I’m learning (and in most cases re-learning) from my mistakes. This year, instead of creating “resolutions” and goals that are focus on our appearance, let’s create goals that help manage our craziness and grow as individuals.
So here’s some resolutions for your New Year’s Resolutions:
So, You Still Wanna Look Like an Instagram Baddie?
One of my biggest issues with New Year’s resolutions is how focused we are on changing our bodies. Changing your body won’t drastically change your life, but if you still want to hit the gym and work on your physical health, a good way to do it is to join a fitness class like kickboxing, or hot yoga.
Instead of repeating your resolution to go to the gym, try to think outside of the box and be creative. I never go to the gym no matter how many times I promise myself I will because there’s no one else to hold me accountable. Instead of the gym, make a resolution to join a fitness class. Fitness classes will keep you on routine and hold you accountable to going. Classes are fun and structured so you don’t feel unmotivated during your workout.
Stop Being Soooo Judgmental
2019 is the year of calling ourselves out. I know I’ve caught myself rolling my eyes and silently judging someone in class for asking an obvious question, a friend of a friend who acts way too drunk even though she’s only had two beers, the woman in front of me at the grocery store check-out who’s arguing about whether or not the bananas were on sale. The list could go on, but you get the picture.
The point is that we’re already our own worst critics, so we shouldn’t be the judge of the people we encounter through, especially other women. Women face so many criticisms from everyone around them constantly. We should be each other’s advocate, shelter, and companion during these important transitions in college. That’s a resolution we should all hold ourselves too.
These are only two suggestions on how to update your new year’s resolutions. In the long run, no matter what your resolutions are this year, we should be focused on self-growth and reflection. 2019 is the year for us to hold ourselves accountable and challenge ourselves to grow. Get that glow up in your physical aspirations, your mental growth and education! We’re here at Central Michigan University to learn, push ourselves from our comfort zones, introduce ourselves to new ideas and opinions. Use this fresh start as an opportunity to be a better you both inside and out.