If you are currently in college or have previously gone to college, you know that winter break is long. While a month-long break from school is nice, being away from school and all your responsibilities for that amount of time can make the month feel like forever. If you find yourself sitting at home over winter break, bored out of your mind, here are some ideas of things you can do to pass the time.
1.) Work!
We all know that college kids are super broke, so why not use this extra month to make some extra spending money. A lot of retail stores hire over the holiday season as they are much busier. Babysitting is another great job to get. With holiday parties and date nights, lots of families are looking for babysitters during this time.Â
2.) See old friends
I know that for me, personally, none of my close friends from high school ended up going to the same university as me, so I am super excited to get to see them when we are all home for break. Maybe even do another item on this list together!
3.) Go see Christmas lights
A lot of big cities have some sort of light show. I am from the Cincinnati area, and the Cincinnati Zoo always has Christmas lights up at this time of year. Whether you go with friends or for a cute date, it is so much fun!
4.) Go sledding
If you don’t already have snow on the ground where you live, a lot of cities have nice tubing and skiing facilities that provide all the fun of winter activities without the actual winter weather. It is such a fun wintertime activity to do with friends or family.
5.) Ice skating
Ice skating is one of the more popular winter activities. Even if you are terrible at ice skating like I am, it is still fun to go and have a laugh with your friends.
6.) Start a new TV seriesÂ
If you are like me and find yourself not having a lot of time to watch TV during the school year, winter break is a great time to either catch up on a show or binge a new one.
7.) Hit up the gym
Go ahead and get a head start on those yearly resolutions and get yourself to the gym to work off all that food you are going to eat.
I hope these suggestions help make your winter break one to remember!