Studies show that the best way to study is in intervals. That’s awesome news for me because I would rather not study at all, and I’m not good at it either,so the less time I can spend doing it makes me happy. I love to procrastinate and distract myself with whatever I can: cleaning, laundry, social media. I know this is not feasible because I can’t make it through university without studying, so I’ve concocted a study regime to help me get the most out my most hated activity.
I find that my biggest problem is usually that I fill my head with thoughts of other things I have to do when in reality they could wait for another day. However, I begin to procrastinate as much as I can to try to put off studying for at least a few more hours. I figured there must be a better way where I am actually accomplishing something more than laundry. And then I found it. Intervals.
Let me walk you through some of my Saturday:
Wake up
Eat breakfast
Shower and start my day
30 mins of school work
Throw a load of laundry in the washing machine
40 mins of school work
Do some dishes
30 mins of school work
Switch laundry
40 mins of school work
Eat lunch
30 mins of school work
…etc, etc.
This system works wonders for me. It is an efficient way to study without trying too hard to stay focused on one thing at a time. Also, since my head gets filled with ideas of everything I have to do, this gives me a way to feel like I’m accomplishing things outside of school as well.
It’s hard for everyone to try and find their perfect study habit. For the intense procrastinators like me, I urge you to try this study regime. It really does make a world of difference!