This year, instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a flight home for the long weekend, I decided to stay in Boston for Thanksgiving. Here’s how my Thanksgiving Day went:
I got some sleep
It’s rare that I’ll get to sleep in past 8 a.m., so I definitely appreciated getting up at 10:30 the morning of and laying around for awhile.
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
For everyone who isn’t familiar with it, every Thanksgiving, Macy’s puts on a huge parade with floats from movies and musical performances by celebrities. After pulling myself out of bed, I celebrated my Turkey Day morning by watching the end of the parade in the common room with a friend.
As it turns out, you don’t have to go home to get a festive Thanksgiving meal. A few friends from my dorm had a fun brunch together in the one dining hall still open.
With no classes and no motivation, aside from food, to go outside (it was freezing!), there wasn’t much to do but watch Netflix. A lot of it.
I caught up on homework
I used some of the later hours of the day to get some much needed work done on my final projects and essays. It feels like professors assign just as much homework over break as they do in a normal week, so it was a good call to get homework done while I had time.
I called my family
While my whole family was together for Thanksgiving, I Skyped them for a bit. It was fun catching up with them, and I’m even more excited to see them when I go home for winter break in 18 days!
Although it was a little sad not spending Thanksgiving with my family, I had a lot of down time on my day off. I also bonded with some of my peers that also stayed behind. I didn’t mind it as much as I thought I would, and I’m glad I got extra sleep!