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Saying Goodbye to my Teens and Embracing my Twenties!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Tomorrow, I turn 20. Tomorrow, I wave goodbye to my teenage years and look into the wild world of my twenties. Am I nervous? Yes. Should I be? Probably yes. Is it going to be a ride and a half? You bet it is!

My teenage years were like a never-ending day at Six Flags. There were a lot of ups and downs like a rollercoaster, boredom like the long lines, anxiety like when you wait for the drop, winning of prizes, getting lost and developing a crush on every attractive teen I saw.

As I look back to my past seven recent birthdays, I see how my smile has changed over the years. I want to remember why my smile was so big one year and why it wasn’t the next. I have learned that self-reflection and mindfulness is key to becoming the best you possible. Ignoring your mistakes, losses, feelings, and wrongdoings only leave the door open for another round.

I had many important experiences happen during my teenage years. I learned to drive, had my first heartbreak, dyed my hair purple, got into college, lost some close friends, gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of weight and even had a heart attack. My teenage years were memorable, to say the least.

Credit: Dahlia Maleh’s 19th Birthday Dinner 


My maturity level has always been ahead of its time, but for some reason, I feel a little younger right now. For once, I am nervous to be older. I don’t know if I am ready for 20. I know that I’d rather go up than go down in age, that’s for sure, but my twenties are a big deal. I am supposed to be graduating in two years. I have to get a real job and pay taxes. I don’t know how to pay taxes! Some people even get married during these next ten years and I have never been more single than I am right now.

To say the least, I am a little over overwhelmed. 

Taking a step back, all that matters in this moment is that I am surrounded by my family on Thanksgiving, I am studying at a great university, I laugh once a day, I am taking care of myself and I am reminded constantly, every day, that I am special, loved and meant to thrive. As I leave my teenage years, I enter my twenties with that new mantra and I am ready for this new adventure.


To my teenage years, I thank you and I’ll cherish you. To my twenties, it’s nice to meet you. Let’s get this bread.


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COM student at Boston University
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.