Now that the holiday season is upon us, it is a good time to give back. The school year has been really busy and you may not have had any time to go out volunteer, but holiday breaks are a great time to get out there. Over the fall and winter breaks there are a ton of places that could really use your help in preparing for the colder months. Here are some places you can volunteer with this upcoming holiday season.
Animal shelter
If you love animals, this a great place to spend some time volunteering. Most shelters need volunteers to help with a variety of things, so you will not get bored easily. They may have you walking the animals, cleaning cages, feeding or bathing the animals and just playing with them. This is such as easy way to give back to your community. Just look for local shelters in your area and check out their website to see the volunteer needs.
Meals on Wheels
This is a organization that relies heavily on volunteers. Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly and others who are not able to cook their own food or leave to go purchase it. You sign up and go to the Meals on Wheels center to receive the meals and you are given a list of addresses. These are the places you drop the meals off at. The people you take these meals to are so thankful and appreciative. It is a really great feeling.
Habitat for Humanity
I am sure you have heard about Habitat for Humanity before, but have you ever thought about volunteering with them? You would work alongside others to build an affordable home for someone in need. This is labor intensive in terms of volunteering goes. If you are up for the challenge look into helping build a new home for a family this holiday season.
Angel Tree
An Angel Tree is a Christmas tree with names of families or children on it that could use a little help this holiday season. You will take a tag off the tree and find information about that family or child. You then donate the things on the tag. Churches, YMCA’s and local Salvation Armies all do different variations of this. If you are interested check with these places and see how they run their program. It is a great feeling being able to donate all the things a family or child asks for to help them have a memorable holiday.
No matter which way you chose to get involved this season, please do. Volunteering is a way to give back to your community and make a difference. You may not think that you are changing anything, but to one person your help and time could make a world of difference.