Ellie Bresler is October’s Member of the Month. Here’s your chance to learn about the incredible Ellie. She is currently a junior at the University of Utah, who is double majoring in Ballet and Strategic Communications. Ellie is both a writer and a photographer for the Her Campus Utah team–making her the jack-of-all-trades.
Described as someone who is hardworking, compassionate, and dedicated, Ellie spends her spare time traveling and enjoying the coffee and bagels of the world. The thing that makes Ellie most excited to be alive is simply the notion of what the future has in store for her. With a bomb-ass girl gang backing her, Ellie is absolutely positive that there’s not a thing in the world she can’t achieve. Armed with intense wit and self-deprecating humor, Ellie pours herself into her work. Her proudest accomplishment thus far is being part of a professional production of the Nutcracker. Ellie’s number-one goal in life is to have a successful and fulfilling career. Oh, and to have as many dogs as possible!!
Her favorite book is none other than the Harry Potter series, who can blame her for that one? Speaking of, Ellie’s house is Ravenclaw and she also happens to be a Sagittarius. Just for those of you who were wondering. Her favorite non serious past time is Netflix and Knitting. Which, if I’m being honest may be an incredible business venture.
Ellie got her start as a writer from a very young age. Ever since she was a young girl she’s loved and excelled at writing. However, she’s only recently gotten into photography via her passion for her instagram. Her campus has been a great outlet for Ellie to showcase her photography and writing. She enjoys the both so much that she’s even got her own blog!
I hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about the all talented Ellie Bresler. Our final thoughts will be that of Ellie’s favorite quote. “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” -Audrey Hepburn  Â