This semester I decided to do something different with my schedule. Instead of tackling four classes, clubs/organizations I signed up for, and a social life. I decided to add a fifth course to my schedule, that class being Sociology 301-001 – Â Latino/X Experience.
Surprisingly, the class is not difficult as I thought it would be before. But, when you add classes such as history which requires long readings into the equation, balance is hard to maintain. Before I decided to add my Sociology class into my schedule, I already knew I was going to be stressed out even more than my last two semesters.
However, I like to challenge myself and for the most part, don’t mind working under pressure. So, I felt confident in my decision during the Add/Drop period. Unfortunately, my classes have taken a toll on my mental and physical health.
Sometimes, I get headaches while I read, I would either not eat or “stress eat,” so I can finish my homework, and get upset if I don’t do well on exams, quizzes, or written assignments.
It also doesn’t help that I have struggled with my mentor job this semester too. I’ve never had a job before this one, so not being able to enjoy mentoring people when I have a heart for encouraging others, makes me not want to continue this job in the future.
So far, this semester has taught me the importance of balance, instead of locking myself in the library or my room allowing my mind to clutter itself with a lot of information.
Usually, I listen to music, grab a snack, and finish up on chores that need to get done in my apartment during my breaks.
Sometimes, I walk around campus to clear my head if the weather is nice. Not only that, but I would also eat lunch and dinner with my friends and finish up homework or study with them if they are up for it.
My advice to other college students who are having trouble balancing their academic and social life is give your mind and body a rest from time to time. If you feel a headache/migraine coming on or get hungry/thirsty during a study session, take a break in between and eat a snack, drink water, or engage in a hobby you enjoy doing.
As I said before, college is a stressful time in a young adult’s life. However, don’t let it stop you from having fun or taking a much-needed nap.