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This Online Tutoring is Coming in Clutch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

It’s 2018 and it seems like literally everything is online these days.  We shop, we stalk our crushes’ profile, we order food– we basically live online.  Why not use it to our advantage from an academic standpoint?

Sure, there’s Quizlet that sometimes provides you with a few answers to a couple of your homework problems.  But what if there was an actual website that had all the answers?

Well look no further!  Clutch Prep is an online resource that provides video versions of textbooks.  it provides in-depth course help and resources for college students in subjects like chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, physics, calculus and more.  It was created back in 2010 by college students at Florida International University (FIU).

I had a chance to speak with Sophia Olivia, Marketing & Communications Director of Clutch Prep, and Christy Lopez, the Director of People Operations to learn more about Clutch Prep.

What has been Clutch Prep’s role on Central Michigan University’s campus?

Lopez: Since early 2015, we’ve been helping students at Central Michigan University pass their classes. We have nearly 600 accounts enrolled in CMU courses.

How is Clutch Prep different than its competitors?

Olivia: Clutch Prep is different because it’s incredibly specific to the student’s course. Once registered into your respective university’s class, you’re asked to upload your syllabus so our tutors can guide you along the way with your professor’s timeline to help you ace your exams. Our tutors have compiled years of student-submitted material to provide exam reviews that cater to each student for their respective course.

What is the cost of Clutch Prep?

Olivia: There are a couple different options for students who wish to use Clutch. You can register for one class or for multiple courses. You also have the option to choose from different plans depending on how long you wish to use Clutch for. This includes options like a monthly, quarterly or annual plan. Pricing begins at just $30 for a month’s use of a single course or up to a value price of $14 per month for annual access.

Is there anything else you’d like to add about Clutch Prep?

Olivia: We’re working really hard to expand our current curriculum to reach and help more students like you! Stay tuned for more business class options as well as courses from your pre-med track.

Hi there! My name is Kara and I am originally from Freeland, Michigan, a tiny town in the Mid-Michigan area. I am a junior here at Central Michigan University and I am pursuing a degree in Advertising and Multi-Media Design. I have a passion for art, fashion, and music so I hope to one day work in one of these industries. My dream is to live in Chicago or New York! On campus, I am involved with the Honors Program, Advertising Student Development Forum (ASDF), the Beta Phi chapter of the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, and am now serving as the co-correspondent and editor-in-chief of the C-Mich chapter of Her Campus. I am excited to take on this role and be working with our team throughout this journey! I absolutely love Her Campus and everything that it stands for. It is not only important to empower women, but important to empower people of all sexualities, genders, races, religious beliefs, etc. A fun fact about me is that I love to roller blade and I spent over a month in Thailand this past summer!