Last week, I finally found myself in the predicament I had been dreading would happen: I had an assignment due in an hour, and I hadn’t even started. It’s not that I forgot or didn’t care, it’s just that I literally had no time to do it until then. If you are a frequent visitor to Procrastination Nation as well, I bet you can relate.
So is here a visualization of that process, via GIFs from the greatest show on Netflix: BoJack Horseman.
You the night before, just chilling and having a good time:
BoJack’s preferred way of spending time.
Waking up and realizing that assignment is due today:
Opening up your laptop and getting to work:
Because you will have this done before class, goddamnit!
What it feels like writing the first sentence:
Having no idea to what to write and on a time crunch? What is this, a crossover episode?!
Getting distracted after writing approximately two words:
Suddenly that branded fidget spinner you got for free from your school’s job fair seems really appealing.
200 words in and already feeling like you suck at everything:
BoJack asking the question we were all thinking.
When class is in 20 minutes and you’re not even halfway done:
Might as well give up while you’re ahead.
Your roommate when they see you in a puddle of your own tears:
They don’t understand that GPA is forever! This is no time for rhymes!
Recovering from your breakdown and trying to do everything else you have to do:
The pizza crumbs on the carpet won’t vacuum themselves.
Getting distracted yet again:
You just need to know which BoJack Horseman character you are, right this second.
When you finally finish five minutes before class starts:
It may be a steaming pile of hot garbage, but at least you finished!
Running to get to class on time:
Running is so hard! And you just had to type a whole assignment under pressure! This is so unfair.
Vowing you will never do an assignment that late ever again:
You are strong. You are beautiful. You will get up early. You will get this bread.
You at 3am that night:
And so the cycle continues. It happens to the best of us.
So, let this be a lesson to you all to stop Horsin’ Around and always budget your time well. Unless you’re bingeing the new season of BoJack. Then you’re allowed to drop everything and procrastinate to your heart’s desire.