In their self-titled, debut album, “Castlecomer,” this five-piece band from Sydney, Australia introduces us to their unique sound. Castlecomer incorporates alternative rock and indie pop, with a few techno influences. With lively lyrics and upbeat tempos, this album just makes you want to dance!
The album “Castlecomer” was released on October 5th, 2018, but the band has been making music for over five years together. The band is comprised of four cousins and a close friend. Castlecomer is currently on tour across the United States with Big Data and Fitness, and they will be touring together until November 10th.
If you have a chance to see Castlecomer in concert, I highly recommend it! I saw Castlecomer play at Kilby Court on July 19th, and it was one of the best shows I have attended! Even without knowing all of the songs (not all of them had been released yet), it was a fun night filled with dancing, jumping, and singing.
Upon my first full listen of the album, I thought the album was fun, lighthearted, catchy, and memorable. However, with repeated listening, I’ve found that I’ve gained both an appreciation of the instrumentals and the lyrics have developed deeper meanings. The lyrics discuss the realities of life and relationships, and with each listen, I’ve become more infatuated with the music. Unlike other albums it never feels old or repetitive.
The first song on the album is “If I Could Be Like You,” and this upbeat track primes the listener for a session of feel-good music. The following tracks, “Move” and “Fire Alarm,” were released as singles prior to the album’s release, in addition to “Leaving” and “All of the Noise.” “Fire Alarm” and “All of the Noise” are popular, and both have already been played several times on radio stations across the US.
The album glides with ‘bops’ and ‘bangers’ that are fun and easy to listen to. In the middle of these fun tracks, however, is the band’s ballad, “Leaving.” Because I associate Castlecomer with alt rock, I was a bit skeptical when I first heard they were releasing a ballad. Yet, I was happily surprised by the depth and emotion that is conveyed in this song. As a song about heartbreak and loss, it is a welcome offset to the album’s track list, and demonstrates the band’s range. One set of lyrics that I can never forget from “Leaving:” “People try and people die/ people work all of their lives/ you have dreams, so it seems/ and I would do a million things.”
Here are a few more of my favorite lyrics:
“Take a pretty picture and a piece of the pie, piece of the sky/ I could do this everyday and you would tell me what to say” – Judy
“Traded all my designs, bought myself a mood ring/ the colour of your finger doesn’t tell me anything” – Favourite
“Saving up, to spend it all” – Escapism
My top three favorite songs from the album are: “She Knows,” “Make Love Make Music,” and “Apes.”
Overall, Castlecomer’s debut album is sentimental, energetic, familiar, and lively. And if you like Castlecomer’s music, I recommend that you also check out the following bands: Foals, Cage the Elephant, COIN, the Wombats, morgxn, and Mondo Cozmo.
If I were to rate this album, I would have to give it 5/5 stars!