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Culture > Entertainment

31 Days of Halloween: A To Do List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Broward chapter.

Halloween, what a time of year for costumes and candy! Also a day for absolute fun! Everybody wants a “to – do” list to make Halloween extra fun! Let me tell you what is absolutely cool!

  1. Bake Halloween cookies
  2. Dink cider
  3. Watch a classic monster movie
  4. Make a pumpkin bread with fresh pumpkin
  5. Collect different color fall leaves
  6. Eat a caramel apple
  7. Build a fire
  8. Go on a hay ride
  9. Eat a Halloween Oreo
  10. Wear orange
  11. Watch Hocus Pocus
  12. Drink a pumpkin spice latte
  13. Eat candy corn
  14. Play in the leaves (if you live in a state where that phenomenon happens)
  15. Drink spicy tea
  16. Bake a pumpkin pie
  17. Ā Carve a pumpkin
  18. Host a spooky movie night
  19. Eat Frankenberry, Boo Berry, or Count ChoculaĀ 
  20. Drink pumpkin ale or beer (for those over 21)
  21. Eat a caramel apple (or the Milky Way flavored)
  22. Roast pumpkin seeds
  23. Visit a pumpkin patch
  24. Dance to Thriller (song by Michael Jackson)
  25. Visit an October Fest
  26. Collect cool pumpkins
  27. Sit on the porch and smell the rain
  28. Visit a haunted house (personally the Haunted Mansion ride at your Disney park)
  29. Make a Halloween playlist
  30. Decorate the house – inside and out
  31. Go Trick – or Treating or go to a killer Halloween Party

Enjoy! Ā 

I'm Miss. Congeniality of Broward College North Campus, Events Coordinator of the Psychology Club at Broward College North Campus, new president of Her Campus Broward, I work for Student Services at Broward College North Campus, and I just like to get involved in many great activities that benefit my personal growth.
Student at Broward College for the past five years, first enrolled on Davie's Central Campus learning Physical Therapy for two years than, transferring to Coconut Creeks North campus for the last three years, now majoring in Early Childhood / Developmental Education. Spent first year with Her campus Broward as Outreach Director, former president of self-entitled campus friendship club, Sammy's Buddy Brigade, member of the Campus Science Club, and a Broward County local student Ambassador with Best Buddies International. Winner of the Sammy's award for most charity work within the community, and now Vice President of Her Campus Broward. I hope to soon be working at Junior Achievement with the elementary and middle school children, in order to have a well rounded experience! The hope is to one day work with and teach children who have special needs such as myself! Biggest belief and philosophy of life is that, no matter what anyone says you can't accomplish in life, I am living proof that anything is possible! Having ADHD, high functioning Autism, and medical conditions such as Scoliosis, helps me to understand special needs children on a level that very few people can! It is this very knowledge that led me to choose Teaching as my chosen profession. Now at age 42, and more than 55% on the way to getting an Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education, I hope to become an Assistant Teacher within the next year or so. We hope that this true life story will inspire others to never give up either, no matter what anybody says, or tells you, that you can't do, the only one who can truly hold you back is "YOU".