Music: something we use every day, right? Whether it’s getting you pumped for the big game, or setting the mood for a romantic date, college students incorporate music into their daily routine. Some might even say the the two hardest things in college student’s life is balancing their schedule or untangling their headphones. And while we’re on the topic of college woes, another thing students seem to struggle with on a daily basis is money (the poor college student jokes are true). So between school, work, and our extracurriculars, how can college students keep up with their favorite bands? It’s not impossible! Concert tickets are expensive, but I have some ways you can get your concert vibe on in college- without breaking the bank.
1. Split the Cost
Maintaining your social life (and sanity) can be difficult in college, so why not split the cost of entertainment with your friends? Going out with friends can be a great stress reliever before midterms, and music can get you ready to tackle your next big study session. Some outdoor concerts only require you to pay for your car- so pile in as many friends as you can and head out! Splitting the cost through dates with friends or partners also helps you cover gas and extra concert fees while getting you out of the library.
2. Go to local concerts
Sure, they may not be as huge as mainstream bands, but small concerts and local venues let you explore niche music and budding artists. Local concerts are cheaper than larger ones (roughly $5-$20), and often meet in intimate venues- giving you a unique concert experience. All bands had to start somewhere, so head out and go support some artists. You may just meet the next Brendon Urie or Bon Jovi- you’ll never know until you try.
3. Search for discounts
Artists like to reward their fans, so head over to their social media to find out about discounts and special offers. Giveaways and promos between artists and other businesses can give you special deals for cheap- and introduce you to new companies. Some startup apps like TickPick and FlashSeats have discounted tickets from third party sellers that don’t tack on extra concert fees. Make sure to avoid scams if a deal seems too good to be true, but don’t entirely forget this option.
Concerts in college are hard, but not impossible. By going out with friends and exploring your options, you may just find your next form of entertainment is within reach. Have fun exploring your music taste and go support those artists!
                             Picture: Anika Isom at “I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME”