Most people would agree that we can all do our part to help out and produce less waste for the environment. However, many do not know where to start, especially when you’re a student on a budget.
Here are 5 ways you can reduce waste:
Reusable Bags
Whether it be for groceries or purchasing a new outfit, reusable bags can really help reduce your impact on the environment.
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Type Your Notes Instead of Writing Them
We’ve all done it: it’s the end of the school year and you just throw away all of your handwritten notes in the trash. I feel like most people have already switched to typing their notes, but if you’re not one of them you should definitely start!
Take The Bus/Carpool
To reduce your carbon footprint take the bus or carpool. When you carpool, you save money on gas and you save the environment, too. Carpooling also allows you to have impromptu karaoke sessions with your friends!
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Reusable Water Bottle/Coffee Cup
Instead of throwing out plastic water bottles every day, buy a reusable one. This will help a great deal to reduce the plastic that is building up in our landfills. Also, when you are buying coffee, bring your own coffee cup!
Wash Clothes in Cold Water
Washing your clothes with cold water is a great way to use less energy. Using cold water also helps in making sure that your whites won’t get stained if you accidentally put a red sock in with them! Â
So before you become this guy:
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Learn the 4 R’s so you can make a positive change.
Source GIPHY
It doesn’t have to be difficult when it comes to reducing waste. Small steps every day do make a difference!