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This Year’s Homecoming Is One for the Books

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Homecoming 2018 is fast approaching! This next week is jam packed with events. With everything from free food to concerts and food eating contests, this year’s homecoming is sure to have something fun for you to do.


On Monday September 24th, we start the week off with MAVs on the Mall. From 11 am to 1 pm, come visit and meet the Royalty Candidates, dunk your friends and enjoy some free food!  Then at 8 pm will be one of the longest running Homecoming traditions. This year, there will not only be the massive bonfire behind Blakeslee Stadium but fireworks as well!



Tuesday is Maverick Pride day! There will be a photo booth and HOT 96.7 will be broadcasting live from campus all day. At night, they will be having the dodgeball tournament in Myers Field House. Come join for a more low-key event on Wednesday and watch the food eating contest at noon!


The events that take place on Thursday may just be the most exciting of them all. With doors opening at 6:30 pm, and the event starting at 7, Lip Sync and Coronation will be held in Bresnan Arena. Lip Sync is done by Greek Life, CAs from residence halls and a few other organizations on campus. During the event, they will also crown this year’s Homecoming Royalty.



Besides football and lip sync, the concert may be one of the largest events.

This year, we will be having Fetty Wap and Silento. Fetty Wap is known for songs like “My Way” and “Trap Queen”. It seems it’ll be one of the most popular concerts yet. Tickets are limited, but still available for $30. The show is set to start at 7 p.m.

Last but not least, is the biggest game of the year. The Mavericks will face off against St. Cloud at 1 p.m. at Blakeslee Stadium. St. Cloud State is one of the Mavericks’ biggest rivals. This is sure to be one of the biggest football games of the year.

No matter what you enjoy, there is sure to be one event that you can enjoy to help celebrate this year’s homecoming.


Happy Homecoming and Go Mavs!



Currently, a fifth year student at MNSU, Mankato majoring in History with a minor in Psychology. Self proclaimed Netflix and coffee addict with a passion for writing. 
Hannah is a Junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato and one of the Campus Correspondents for the HC MNSU chapter. She is currently double majoring in Marketing and Business Management with a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.