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Surviving Junior Year Senioritis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Throw it all the way back to senior year of high school for a minute. Remember the friends, the gossip and whatever else made high school high school for you. But also, don’t forget that looming feeling of consistently being out of gas almost the entire year.

Senioritis. Urban Dictionary calls it a “crippling disease that strikes high school seniors,” but no one really understood the gravity of the disease until they reached the final stretches of college academics. When you’re no longer held to an environment where your parents will know if you’re in attendance or not, Senioritis becomes much deadlier.


Senioritis can be early onset, and it can strike anyone at any time. Seek advice from your Mom or Professors if you notice an increase in class skipping, increase in Netflix binging, feelings of detachment to your schoolwork or habitual wear of the same unwashed sweatpants. Late-stage Senioritis may exhibit itself with excessive social interaction, lack of tears after failing a test, or dust collection on the backpack.


While there is currently no cure for Senioritis, life with the disease can be helped with a few different lifestyle changes. Remember to motivate yourself in whatever way helps you best, whether it’s motivational videos and movies or a call to your Mom. Walk around outside and go for a run or other workout to get your blood pumping and shake off the feeling of laziness. Taunt yourself with the possibility of your dream job. Pet a puppy to remember that you need this degree to help take care of your own puppy one day.


Warning! Senioritis is contagious. If your peers have already been diagnosed or showing signs, it’s best to avoid any of their invites to unnecessary social functions or “study groups” that are actually mass distraction events. Support your future self by investing the extra effort in hanging up motivational posters, scheduling phone calls with your parents or scaring yourself with the possibility of becoming homeless after school because you didn’t work hard enough to actually get the degree and couldn’t pay off your debts. Savor the little victories like washing your hands, doing laundry, and opening up your backpack. Just don’t settle!

You’ve got this! Make a countdown if you have to, and remember, Senioritis is never forever!


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Rebecca is a Senior at BU studying Journalism and Psychology. She is a Slytherin with a passion for investigative reporting.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.