BTS worked with YouTube Red to release a documentary series, titled “Burn The Stage.” The project is the group’s first with the platform and is expected to have eight episodes total.
While the series isn’t over just yet, fans have already seen a more authentic and raw portrayal of the members than they have ever seen before.
Here are five things we’ve learned about the BTS members from their documentary series so far.
1. Jimin is the most hard on himself
It’s no secret that all the guys work hard to make their performances as perfect as possible, but Jimin especially tries to do so. In the documentary, Jimin explains that he feels a lot of pressure to put on a perfect performance, because if he doesn’t, he feels as though he’s let down the fans. Even if he makes a small mistake, he won’t be able to stop thinking about it for the entirety of the concert.
2. J-Hope almost quit BTS
Can you imagine if he actually left? There would be no BTS without J-Hope and the rest of the BTS members think so, too. RM tried his best to convince the group’s company, Big Hit Entertainment, as well as J-Hope, that BTS would not be successful without each of its seven members. Thankfully, RM convinced J-Hope to stay and the rest is history.
3. The BTS guys like spending their free time reading comics, playing video games, and making music
The guys spend a lot of time in hotel rooms while on tour, and because they aren’t allowed outside, they’ve picked up on some hobbies to help them pass the time. Jin teaches himself new skills, such as how to play guitar and speak Japanese, while V enjoys relaxing in bed and listening to music and Jungkook likes to play video games such as “Overwatch.” Jimin, on the other hand, takes advantage of the peace and quiet to read comic books. The rap line, RM, Suga, and J-Hope, all prefer to spend their free time making music.
4. The guys don’t always see eye-to-eye
The BTS members spend every moment of the day with each other. They eat together, rehearse together, perform together, and even live together. It’s impossible for people who spend so much time with each other to never fight. In the fourth episode, just before BTS is about to take the stage at the Prudential Center in New Jersey, V and Jin get into a disagreement about their choreography. Both become emotional, but the rest of the members tell them to not let their feelings affect their performance.
5. RM feels a lot of pressure being the leader
As the leader, RM often needs to make spontaneous decisions. When Jungkook almost passed out backstage during a concert, RM became nervous about how this would affect the group’s performance. He was ready to make the necessary changes to the show, but thankfully, Jungkook recovered so he didn’t need to. RM isn’t even the group’s oldest member, but the guys look to him whenever they need help, guidance, or advice. When V and Jin were involved in an argument, RM was there to comfort them both, while at the same time telling them to keep their performance professional for the fans.
You can watch episodes of “Burn The Stage” on YouTube Red by clicking here.