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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

It’s not even a question that Barack Obama rocks. Just look at this picture and tell me that this man does not rock?

Another reason he’s just the best? His wife. During her tenure as First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama was at the front of issues such as obesity, racial issues, and woman rights. Not to mention she’s healthy, beautiful, and the ideal role model for our daughters. As a strong and powerful woman, Michelle is the type of leader we desperately need, and here’s why.

Michelle Obama is an Excellent Speaker

Michelle Obama has a gift that only few people possess to the level that she has it. Similar to her husband, there is no topic they couldn’t talk about, and with actual interest at that. Michelle possess a very powerful and loud voice that not only motivates people, but is heard from start to finish. She had a great ability during her husbands term to grasp the attention of the audience in attendance.

Michelle gave many powerful speeches during her tenure as the first lady that would inspire change, and social movements. Some of her greatest speeches surrounded her experience being a African American woman competing in academics, and empowering women.

Michelle Obama is a Voice for Minorities

Minorities struggle to have their voices heard in our society, which is very frustrating especially with the amount ignorant politicians.. Michelle Obama was always an open voice that was not afraid to speak for minorities.

Through her interviews and speeches she would receive criticism for being the voice. Obama never strayed away despite this, and always continued to be speak for what she believed in. She never gave up, and was striving for the country to be equal no matter a person’s race gender, or social class. Michelle is a leader that cares.

Michelle Obama was Honest

Michelle Obama has one of the most important traits as a leader, and that was honesty. She was incredibly credible, and always spoke what was on her mind – she was not afraid to confront politicians who were not being so honest. Sexist, racist, or ignorant comment? Michelle corrected more than one, keeping everyone in line.

Michelle Obama’s Integrity

Integrity is a valuable trait for every leader to possess, and it ties in with honesty, but there is more to integrity than just being honest. Michelle Obama showed incredible morals, and was always supportive of everyone who had addressed her. She displayed great values that not only helped her to appear like a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, but for any American in general who may have been going through a large range of problems. Michelle displayed integrity through her efforts to end childhood obesity, end racism, and strive for gender equality.

Michelle Obama’s Perseverance

Perseverance is a difficult trait to maintain, especially when you’re at the forefront of leading millions of people. Perseverance is doing something despite the difficulty. From a young age Michelle Obama displayed perseverance. In the 80’s Michelle attended Princeton, and then Harvard. This was difficult for any African American to do at this time, not to mention an African American WOMAN.

Michelle Obama is not someone to stray away from something difficult, and this is a key to what makes her a great leader. She displayed perseverance through all of her responsibilities as a mother, a first lady, and a role model for all women.  


Madeleine is a senior at the University of Kansas double majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, Madeleine spent the last few years of her high school career publishing two books (http://www.lulu.com/shop/m-rheinheimer/project-105/paperback/product-23264977.html + http://www.lulu.com/shop/madeleine-rheinheimer/undefined/paperback/product-22938535.html)  and traveling around the city speaking and sharing with locals. Knowing since the fourth grade that she was destined to be a writer when she grew up, Madeleine enjoys anything that involves creative expression. You can follow her personal blog at: https://illiterateblondes.com