Why Going into College with a Significant Other Isn’t a Bad Thing
Right before I started college, I met this boy and we started dating for the summer. Being in a new relationship, I didn’t really think too much about going away to college and how this would affect the relationship or my college experience. When I first went to college, I was three hours away from my hometown and people kept telling me that having this relationship was going to be a bad idea. I wouldn’t be able to know what he’s doing when I’m gone, he won’t trust me, we’ll grow apart, blah, blah, blah. I heard it all. I’m here to tell you that none of those things must be true if you don’t want them to be. I don’t like hearing the relationship shaming in college. Some people don’t need the single life in college.
When I went away to college my boyfriend was there to help me with my nerves, help me pack, and help me move in. He was a big support through the crazy college adjustment. He was upset sometimes when he had to think about me going away, but I promised I would see him and we figured he could come see me and it all worked out in the end. When you think about college with your significant other it may seem scary, but you just need to sit down and discuss it.
Another thing that was great about having a boyfriend around was that, when college was too much, I had someone who I knew that I could call right away and complain/cry/celebrate with. Not everyone has super close best friends back home or in college. He was my best friend. He was my support system at all times of the day and I was his. I can only talk about the same things with my mom so many times.
Lastly, when people try and worry you about you and your SO’s trust in each other, stop them. No one knows your relationship better than you do. Thank them for being there for you, but also explain that things are fine. If they see any shady business, let them tell you, but don’t put extra stress on yourself that doesn’t need to be there. My boyfriend and I talked about trust and I know my boyfriend’s friends had a much more skeptical view on our relationship because I was going to college and he wasn’t. It put more stress on us than the actual trust issues we didn’t have.
I feel like people expect college to be all about being single. People don’t want to go out with people in relationships to parties or other activities because they think they won’t have as much fun. At that point I’ll be a wing man! Also, I feel like there is a hook up culture that makes people think that hooking up, partying, and keeping your options open are the only way to go without being outcasted. If you’re someone that shames relationships in college, or you always tell people in relationships that you don’t know how they do it, then please just think about it. The single, hook up life isn’t for everyone just like the taken life isn’t for everyone in college. Just be mindful and don’t think someone in a relationship is going to ruin a good time.