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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

1. Orangutan

2,000 to 3,000 are killed every year. Natural disasters coupled with human destruction of the forest threaten this species’ way of life. Experts believe these animals could be extinct in 50 years or less.


2. Giant Otter

Habitat loss, pollution, and hunting for their fur caused this species to head down the extinction road. They have no predators except us humans. That says a lot.


3. Amur Leopard

This beautiful big cat is one of the rarest with only about 35 left in the wild. Hunting and habitat destruction is causing this planet to lose something so magnificent.  


4. Vaquita

This species of porpoise was just discovered in 1958 and is already critically endangered. Possibly only 30 individuals remain. Illegal and improper fishing is the main cause of vaquita death. They get caught in the nets and drown.


5. Polar Bears

We all know about the polar bears. Climate change has caused a great decrease in the habitat of polar bears. This loss has caused great struggle in finding food and therefore many are starving to death.


6. Giraffes

Poaching and habitat loss have moved this odd, yet amazing species to become vulnerable. In the last 300 years, the numbers have decreased by close to 40%.


7. Asian Elephant

Habitat loss and poaching. The elephant tusk is widely known as being valuable on the black market. Habitat loss is pushing them more toward civilization and farmers are not too happy to find a herd munching on their crops. This puts them at a risk.


It is truly sad to see all these beautiful creatures on the brink of extinction. I for one could not imagine a world without them in it. Below is a link to a complete list of all the endangered species, and a link to help with conservation efforts.




I am in my third year at the University of Maine. I am originally from Ohio but the challenge of spotting the elusive moose brought me all the way up here. I do not regret my decision. I absolutely love it, and I even spotted a moose! Writing is a passion of mine and I cannot wait to share it all with everyone.
Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.