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How To Stop Yourself From Wasting Study Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

So we all know how difficult it can be to sit down and actually start studying for those really difficult classes. Recently, I found myself in a bit of a pickle with studying as I had more trouble than normal sticking to the books.


Here are a few tips that helped me re-focus and become more productive when studying for a test:

1- Put your phone in another room.

Whatever room you find yourself studying in, whether it’s a desk in your bedroom or the dining room- keep your phone out of sight, and out of mind. That way, you won’t even be distracted by looking at it when it buzzes or when you find yourself dozing off. All you have in front of you is your laptop and textbook, so you are forced to continue studying rather than allowing yourself to be easily distracted by your device.

2- Start switching your mind to “this is temporary” and not “forever” class-wise. 

Sometimes studying for a hard class we don’t think will ever end completely defeats all motivation for it. This is when we have to remind ourselves it is only temporary, a few more weeks, and the class will be over before we know it. Hustle now, relax later.

3- When you’re stuck, keep trying. 

We tend to say “Oh my gosh, I can’t get this info down!” or “This problem is too impossible” and call it quits on something we may just be a few extra study or practice minutes away from getting correct! I always believed in the line “practice makes perfect.” It applies for sports just as much as it does for your studies. The more breaks you take and the more time you say “I can’t do this,” the farther you push yourself from actually reaching an understanding of a concept or problem.


Wishing you the best luck with your classes for the last few weeks of the semester! Remember you CAN do this. School is tough, but you are tougher! 

