Names: Tally Pavel and Julie Reyes
Majors: Pavel is a Communication Studies major and Reyes is a Communication Studies and International Studies double major.
Hometowns: Pavel is from Clayton, NC and Reyes’ hometown is Chicago, IL but now calls Winston Salem home.
Julie, left, and Tally, right, are next year’s Co-Campus Correspondents for UNCW’s chapter of Her Campus.
HC: How did you come to be a member of UNCW’s chapter of Her Campus? What made you want to join?
JR: I became a member after I saw a table after a lecture by Andi Zeisler called “We were once Feminists” in the middle of my freshmen year. Her Campus was sponsoring it and I got some cute goodies. I read their website and knew it would be something cool to join. Also, I want to pursue journalism as a career so I thought it would be good to get some practice and have my name on some articles.
TP: I’ve always enjoyed blogging and writing on my own time-I even have a personal blog that I created last year to document what my current interests are. I ultimately joined Her Campus after hearing Casey [McAnarney, one of the current Co-CCs] speak about the chapter during a Communication Studies Society meeting, which sparked an interest.
HC: What has been your favorite memory of being a part of Her Campus?
TP: I think my favorite memories are any time we have a bonding event or even set up events in which we all come together. I feel like those are the moments when we have the most fun!
JR: My favorite memory so far has been when we would go to Islands [Fresh Mex Grill] for our meeting because it was a good chance to bond and eat some tacos!
HC: What is your favorite article you have written?
TP: One of my favorite articles I’ve written would have to be “Ballin’ on a Budget”. It’s an article about inexpensive ways to accumulate fashionable clothes as a college student on a budget. Fashion is one of my favorite things to write on because it’s something I’m interested in and can have fun with.
JR: My favorite is the one I wrote about beauty standards after my study abroad trip to Chile because it was a personal article that I worked on for a while. It honestly pushed me out of my comfort zone a little. Also, it was shared by the Her Campus’s national page which was pretty cool.
HC: Other than regular writing duties, what other things have you helped out with for our chapter?
JR: I have helped with tabling a lot and brainstorming ideas for events!
TP: I have helped out with events, whether it be tabling, creating banners, putting together give-away bags, or any other miscellaneous duties. I love to help and make our chapter stand out!
HC: What made you want to apply to be Co-Campus Correspondent?
JR: Her Campus is a huge part of my college career and experience so I wanted to have a bigger role in that for the years to come.
TP: The main reason I wanted to be Co-Campus Correspondent of UNCW’s Her Campus chapter is because I love writing, and blogging in specific. I think it’s a fun and creative way to keep up with trends as well as express yourself in different ways, like speaking your opinions on topics that appeal to you. I have had many leadership roles throughout my life and I feel that I’m experienced enough to lead a group to pursue their passion and offer guidance when needed. I want to advocate women and their content that can benefit others who read their work.
HC: What are some of your goals for next year?
TP: Next year, I anticipate keeping our chapter’s Pink status as well as to keep creating super awesome content. I ultimately want our chapter to strive to be successful in all aspects: community, engagement, content, events, etc.
JR: I definitely would want to host more events during the year so that our chapter can get more recognition on campus. Overall, I want more students on our campus to know about our chapter and read our articles more so we can continue growing.
[Photo courtesy of Julie Reyes and Tally Pavel]