The movie review website, “Rotten Tomatoes,” is known for their intimidating reviews. It’s so prestigious that if a movie got a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, the line for the movie goes around the block and the tickets will be sold out. Most of all, everyone knows we regularly check the website or google a movie to see the “Rotten Tomatoes” website, but what if all of these reviews are biased and unreliable? The creator of the new review website “CherryPicks” told The Hollywood Reporter that CherryPicks, “…can recommend movies to like-minded women headed to the multiplex or streaming services and get their critical voices amplified.” Film director/producer Miranda Bailey says “Rotten Tomatoes” rarely offers reviews from women and that can provide a biased overview on a movie. It doesn’t offer a diverse enough group of people to accurately and fairly enough to say if a movie is good or bad. “We’re creating a platform where women can go to and see what other critics that are their gender think about art and media,” Bailey told The Hollywood Reporter. This website is a huge step toward diversity, not only because it is an all female review site, but all inclusive as well. It takes away the narrow guidelines of a site like “Rotten Tomatoes” and includes everyone not just cishet women. Anyone who identifies as a woman is given an opportunity to write reviews. “CherryPicks” is an all female review site that serves to give movies that surround stories written and told by women a chance in the cutthroat world of movie reviews.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.