By:Â Zeairah WebbVia GMU Creative Services
If you’re a student at Mason there’s a possibility that you’ve had the chance to visit one of their 3 dining halls: Ike’s, Southside or The Globe. In my few months of being here, I’ve discovered that The Globe triumphs over both Ike’s and Southside in quality. It’s as though they actually cook their food, not just dumped it out of a bag. However, all of the halls have their bad days (for Southside…nearly everyday). Here are some common fails that you’ll encounter with Mason Dining.
1. The distance
Did I mention that The Globe is the best? Yes? Well…it’s also the farthest away from everything unless you’re an INTO Mason student. It could take you up to 14 minutes to walk there which likely means that you’ll end up settling for a quicker (not as good) meal from one of the other two halls.
2. Â Cleanliness? Idk..
Southside’s bathroom always smells weird and doesn’t seem clean, which is just disgusting. It also seems like the tables don’t get cleaned until night time. There’s always some sticky residue on them. Spaghetti sauce or syrup? Who knows.
3. Size is questionable
Via Giphy
None of the dining halls, with the exception of Ike’s, seem big enough. With thousands of students on campus, you’d think the dining halls would be much bigger. But no, during lunch hours and dinner hours, you can never find a place to sit and you’re constantly bumping into people.
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4.Events are problematic
4 words: you have to pay. What? But didn’t you already pay over $2,000 for that fancy meal plan? Absolutely. But for some reason, when they do certain events they expect you to pay for the food you essentially already paid for. It’s ridiculous, stealing from the already broke college students we are.
5. The actual food
Via Giphy
The food is sub-par. It tastes bland or unseasoned a majority of the time. I got a burger one time that looked burnt on the outside but was raw on the inside.
Courtesy of Zeairah Webb
6. The hospitality
After you get your card swiped by the nice old lady or man in the front, the hospitality pretty much ends. This is understandable because of their hours and the number of cranky students they have to deal with every single day, but their attitudes don’t match the pictures you always see associated with the dining halls.
Mason gives you a lot of choices when it comes to what kind of food you eat, which is one upside. But if you can’t stand the dining halls…use them bonus dollars, girl! Go crazy with Panera! Just know they do run out and cost extra money…another rip off.