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The World’s First REUSABLE Tampon Applicator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.


Celia Pool and Alec Mills spent their days selling period products to anyone who needed them around the UK. Soon they realized the exorbitant amount of waste coming from everyday items such as tampons. About 100 billion menstrual products are disposed annually (this is enough to circle the earth 250 times!) After encountering these terrifying statistics, Pool and Mills put their heads together and created “D”, the first REUSABLE tampon applicator.

Ladies… our prayers have been heard.

Both creators did not want to create just a reusable applicator, instead, they wanted to make sure it was hygienic, easy to clean and as described in their Kickstarter “smooth as silk” (Aleluya!!!).

D fits every size tampon and is heat resistant for easy sterilization. D also comes with it’s own storage tin, travel pouch and their own organic tampons which are bleach free, rayon free, pesticide free, fragrance free, and are biodegradable. And in case you were wondering, the packaging it comes in is FULLY compostable and resealable.


Celia and Alec expect their official launch and commercial sales to begin in 2019.

If you want to help these amazing entrepreneurs help the environment and women all across the world you can donate to their Kickstarter in the link down below.


Thank you Kickstarter and DAME for the images and the information on the first reusable tampon applicator and GOOD LUCK!



That’s all for now.

XOXO, Grey.

Grace Smith

CU Boulder '20

Grace currently serves as the Her Campus CU Boulder Chapter President. She is honored to lead a team of 50+ badass women who are passionate about creating personable content. When she is not at chapter meetings, you will find Grace with a coffee cup in one hand and her laptop in the other working on articles, running her business, or talking to her mom. Grace is a senior graduating with a BA in History with an emphasis on Medieval Studies. Her research focuses on medieval witchcraft.
Sko Buffs!