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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

In this day and age where social media plays such a large role in our lives, it is so easy to see someone else’s profile and to compare yourself to that. Though it is easy to fall victim to, this type of behavior is unhealthy and only leaves us in a state of self-loathing. Here is how to rid yourself of comparison and to love yourself.

Image via GramUnion

1. Do a social media cleanse.

Unfollow and unfriend anyone who makes you feel inferior. Following models, fitness gurus or social media influencers can often make you feel as though you aren’t pretty enough, rich enough or thin enough. Recognize the types of people and posts that cause you to compare yourself and make yourself feel down, and rid yourself of them.

2. Realize that social media is an illusion.

No one has a perfect life. Social media is the best way for someoneĀ to portray the illusion of a perfect life. An Instagram modelĀ with thousands of followers who gets sponsored to promoteĀ her “favorite” products may seem to have an awesome life, but that does not mean that it is true. We have no idea what is going on in their lives beyond the screen. Remember that just because someone may post a flawless, HD photo with a caption of how amazingly perfect their day was, it may not be the truth. Everyone displays their best selves on social media, even if it may not be their true selves.

3. Remember that happiness is not defined by appearances.

This goes hand-in-hand with step two. When scrolling through social media and seeing photos of people who you wish you looked like, you think you will be happier if you were just like them. Remember that happiness is attainable no matter what your face looks like, no matter the number on the scale, no matter how many likes or followers you have – all of that stuff is fake anyway. Learn how to appreciate everything about yourself the life you live instead of wishing for something and someone else.


Her Campus GCSU Campus Correspondent. Senior Mass Communication major with a focus in Journalism. Cat mom, writer, avid concert-goer, iced coffee addict.