Dear younger me,
A lot has happened in the past few years. You are growing up so fast and changing daily. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished thus far in life and cannot wait for you to see what you accomplish in the future. For this letter, I have decided to split it up into three categories: past, present and future.
I know that your past has always haunted you for reasons that I will not say why, but let go. Let go of the mistakes you have made and look to the future. In the past, you were always so scared of anything happening that was out of the norm, but fortunately and unfortunately you do not get scared easily. I really miss this young and carefree me. She was so full of life and was true to herself. She was a ray of sunshine.
Currently, I am at VCU and studying pre-nursing, trying to submit my nursing application and taking an anatomy class online that I am super behind on – in addition to trying to juggle everything else. Life is good and bad. I have not been watching as many movies as I would like, but I have been spending countless hours on Youtube watching gender reveals. I need to find more balance in my life and I’m working on it, I promise. I still find myself crying weekly, and I’m working on that too. Sometimes I’m not even sure what I’m crying about. Overall, I am at a great place in my life and I just need to figure out how to juggle everything. Life can be really hard, but I know I can handle it. We can handle it. We have handled so much up until this point in life that nothing can knock us down.
I know you have a life plan to marry some dream guy and live happily ever after, but unfortunately that is not going to happen (mostly because you are a strong independent woman that doesn’t need no man). But never fear, life is looking good for us. We are majoring in something that we really believe in. Regardless if you get into nursing school or not, you are going to major in something you love and you will most likely find a job and finally be living on your own, which is something you have always wanted to do. I know this all seems so far away, but it was only a few years ago that you were getting on the bus for elementary school, so take every day at it’s best and remember to just breathe. Nothing can be as bad as high school, and when you think the whole world is crashing down on you, remember that you are loved by many and a single bad day does not mean you have a bad life.
And with that, I love you so much and cannot wait for you to become a real adult. There is much to come in your future. Stay cool, stay weird and stay yourself.
Photo Credit: Cover photo & 1 provided by writer, 2 by Chelsea Schmidt Photography, 3