Being in college, there is very rarely a moment where you have zero obligations throughout the week. Whether it is a stack of homework or an 8 hour shift of work, you very rarely get time to yourself to just relax and breathe. Here are 3 helpful tips to keep your life together:
Become best friends with your PLANNER
Honestly, if I don’t write out everything, I will not remember all of the different obligations and tasks that I need to complete throughout the week. I use my planner to pace myself and to give myself deadlines on when I need to complete tasks. This also allows to have time for myself to put on a mud-mask and catch up on some TV shows I missed throughout the week.
Start your day by MEDITATING
Meditating is very beneficial to the mind and body when you are a busy college student that is always on the go. I started this 30 day meditation challenge on YouTube and I have fallen in love. After meditating, my day seems to be more lax and I am also in a mindset that is ready to take on tasks and complete them. The mornings when I rush out of my dorm without meditating I can definitely feel the difference from when I do.
Turn your phone of and enjoy YOU
Honestly, social media can be so draining at times. I always make sure to take at least a couple hours out of the week where I just shut my phone off and read a book or even just write down in a journal some updated goals; I just use this time to reflect on my life. Sometimes, I feel like I’m going to class everyday and pursuing a degree without a specific purpose. I take this time to reflect on my purpose and what I want to accomplish whether short term or long term.