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Show Yourself Some Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo


If I could sum up life as a college student in one word it would be “stressed.”


We are constantly stressed about meeting deadlines and pushing ourselves to be better. I do not think we take the time to stop and just breathe. Sometimes it feels like we are constantly being pulled in several different directions.


We are students first, but then we have so many other things in which we are involved. For instance I am a Resident Advisor, I hold a chair on my fraternity and I write for Her Campus. This is a lot, but there are some people out there who do more than this. We busy collegiate women need to take the time to appreciate ourselves.


One thing I like to do when I am stressed is write. Journaling can be very therapeutic. Some people are not be open to the idea of journaling because they think you have to write something meaningful and deep, but that is not true. This is your journal, you can write whatever you want. Usually if I am having a bad day I like to write about at least one thing that went well during the day. If I am stressed and want to get away from thoughts about school I add to my food and travel bucket list. Journaling is such a great stress reliever.




Another activity that works for me is taking time to just sit in my room and think. I leave the TV off and put away all my electronics for a while and just reflect. I think about my accomplishments and my goals. It is nice to sit back and think about all the work you do and how it will all eventually lead you to where you want to be. When the weight of school and grades are getting you down, it is nice to look at your recent achievements. This alone time allows you to realize just how amazing you truly are.



Taking time for yourself is essential. After being the Girl Bosses we are, it is important to treat ourselves. If you can not make time for yourself something needs to change. I am not saying that you have to journal everyday or take hours to reflect, but do something for yourself. Taking care of yourself is key to your success in school. Show yourself some love every once in a while.


My name is Micah Hurt. I am a sophomore Equine major at the University of Kentucky. I am also a Resident Advisor (RA). I love to read, explore Lexington (or anywhere really), and listen to murder mystery podcast!