Going away to college, we often get caught into our own bubble. It’s easy to assume that our families know exactly what’s going on, and I often catch myself throwing around terms that are actually rather foreign to my loved ones. This weekend I had the chance to go home and ask my 11-year-old sister to give me some insight on what she thinks college life consists of.
HerCampus: What is college and why do people go there?
Eva Pearson: College is a place where people who transfer from high school go to upper grades and they learn more so that they can get a job.
HC: What is a major?
EP: It’s basically… a class? A class you take for what you want to study. You take that class to help you get that job.
HC: What do you think I do on a normal day?
EP: You go to classes every now and then and they you go to Alpha Chi. Then you go to bed and wake up and do homework. You actually probably do homework before you go to bed.
HC: What is Alpha Chi?
EP: It’s your sorority that you live in.
HC: What’s a sorority?
EP: It’s basically a group of girls or boys who go and help the community.
HC: Oh, that’s a pretty good answer! What do you think I do on the weekends here?
EP: You miss our dog and the fam. Then you do homework and probably other stuff like eating and showers and everything.
HC: Do you look forward to going to college one day?
EP: Yeah, because I want to get a job. I’m not sure what I want to do yet, I just know I have to go to college.
HC: How does someone make friends at college?
EP: Through a sorority and through classes.
HC: Do you know what a fraternity is?
EP: What? Do I have to answer that question? A smaller sorority? I honestly don’t know.
HC: What do you think the food is like here?
EP: Coming from you, I hear it’s both good and bad.
HC: Do you think college students are adults or kids?
EP: [long pause] Well, you go when you’re 18, so I guess adults. Or at least young adults.
HC: What do you think the biggest difference is between college and fifth grade?
EP: You learn more about things than we do. You also take real classes for real jobs.
HC: What do you think is more fun, fifth grade or college?
EP: Fifth grade, duh. Because it’s easier and there’s less homework.
HC: You’re right, there is less homework in fifth grade.