It’s only February so the year is still young, but even if it’s not and you’re reading this in October, you still have every right to switch up your goals. No matter what time of the year it is, it’s never too late to refocus.
Throw out those bad habits or self-destructive thoughts and start fresh! Vision boards are the way to go! They are a simple yet fun and expressive way to remind yourself of your end goals and the reason you’re working so hard. Here are three reasons why you should create a vision board to accomplish your next set of goals.
1. They are a great way to bond with your closest friends!
Hello! First of all, who doesn’t love the idea of vision boards and Mimosas!
Invite your best girlfriends over to your apartment and have them bring any old magazines they have on hand. Empower each other and talk about short and long-term goals. Craft together a board of all the things you would like to accomplish within a set time period and share them with each other. It’s a great idea for some weekend fun and relaxation.
2. It serves as a daily visual reminder.
Daily affirmations never hurt anybody! Place your board somewhere you can see it. Maybe over your desk or just above your bed frame. You can even take a picture of your board and set it as your laptop’s desktop picture. It always helps to have a constant reminder of why you are up pulling yet another all-nighter trying to finish that paper, or that difficult homework assignment. You have goals and things you want to accomplish.
3. Successful people use them.
Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey and Ellen DeGeneres swear by vision boards… need I say more?
By the time you have created your vision board, you definitely won’t regret it. You can also add to them whenever you’d like because you are constantly evolving and circumstances change. Most importantly, you’ll no doubt feel that overwhelming sense of joy when you have completed a couple of your goals.
Good luck, and happy vision boarding!