Photo by: Ashlyn Eustace
College is where you will find a great number of people who are struggling with the fact that their significant other is at a different college, far away from them. To get some advice on how to deal with the distance, I asked my close friend how she copes with her boyfriend living 300 miles away. She gave me these 4 tips:
1. Communication REALLY is Key
As with any relationship, communication is vital, but if you add distance into the mix, things can get a little rocky. To help make the separation easier, block out times for you and your S.O. to have real conversations during the week. It might be hard to manage at first, but as time goes on you’ll find a way to make it work.
2. Truth and Trust
It’s natural to have certain fears about your S.O. being far away and not knowing what they are doing every day. Trust is the building block of any relationship, so establishing a strong bond and always being honest with each other will pay off on both ends.
3. Make Sure to Live Your Own Life
This plays into the Truth and Trust idea. However, just because your S.O. is in another place doesn’t mean you can’t go out and have fun with your friends on the weekends. Don’t kill your social life so you can talk to your S.O. at any given moment. It will be hard, but you’ll be together again before you know it.
4. Focus and Stay Positive
You must remind yourself that you have responsibilities and commitments to uphold, and that being upset and avoiding your work can disrupt your academics, which should always come first. Always know that if your S.O. is worth it to you, all this hard work will be worth it in the end.