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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

Riding on a plane, especially from Hawaii can be sort of dreadful because it is way longer than travelling domestic. Here are some tips to help have a smoother ride and not dread travelling on long flights.


1. Get up and streeeeetch

Moving your ankles around in your seat or even standing up and raising your arms above your head will help keep circulation in your body. I noticed a big difference when I do this, because my body doesn’t ache as much and my ankles don’t swell.


2. Buy that snack box

Okay – I know that food can be expensive on planes, but I get so bored after a while and eating a snack can help distract you from the fact that there are two more hours on the flight.


3. Have a beverage! (If you are old enough)

Again, I know that drinks are just as expensive as the food on the plane, but if you are of age, having a small adult beverage can help take the edge off flying – especially if flying is something that you are afraid of.



Drink a ton of water when you are on the plane, because the circulation of air can quickly dehydrate you. I personally like to fill my own water bottle from those water filling stations at the airport. Also, I always take the opportunity to drink water when served on the plane.


5. Hydrate your skin

My skin feels awful if I do not constantly rehydrate it on a flight – I highly recommend having a facial spray to give yourself a few spritzes throughout the flight. If you are feeling really unbothered go ahead and do a sheet mask – tbh, who cares about the passenger next to you, ‘cause your skin will love you for this.


Hopefully these tips make travelling a tad bit easier and less dreadful. If you have any tips we would love for you to comment them below and share them with us!

Mariah is 21-years-old senior at Hawaii Pacific University, majoring in Mass Communication concentrating in Advertising and Public Relations and minoring Marketing. On her free time, she likes to join extra-curricular activities at HPU, go to the beach, and hang out with her friends and family.
Katrina Hicks

Northwestern '19
