Photo via Brooke Lark on Unsplash
1. She keeps a positive environment
She knows that a positive environment is crucial to having a positive mind. What you take in is what you put out, so she makes sure to let the negative energy pass by and consumes the positive vibes. Positive environments include more than just your thoughts. Having a positive environment means choosing to let every area of your life reflect your ambitions.
Here are a few changes you can make to have a more positive environment.
- Investing in a favorite inspirational mug to start your morning off happy.
- Change your laptop background to something that will inspire you to work hard.
- Change your cell phone background to an inspirational image that will remind you of your aspirations every time you unlock it.
- Have a clean workspace. Avoiding clutter in your room, your desk and your bathroom will give you the illusion that you’re on top of things. It’ll help you feel in control of your surroundings and encourage you to take initiative in other areas of your life as well.
- Cut out negative people. You cannot grow where your roots are being soiled by wilted plants. If you need to replant yourself among healthier, taller plants, do it! If you plan on being successful, you need to be surrounded by people that are growing in the same direction as you. UP!
2. She never rushes
A girl boss always keeps her calm and always allots herself enough time to get done what she has on her schedule. While she might be busy, she never rushes. Rushing only causes us to forget things and do our job half way. You can never be fully prepared while you’re in a rush. Even if you have everything you need, you will lack the mental preparation you need.
3. She is intentional
She is always intentional with her time. She believes that nothing is wasted. Every moment is valuable and important. Now, this doesn’t make her a workaholic. This simply means she puts forth effort in all areas. Whether that’s spending time with family, catching up with friends or being hard at work, she is present and she is efficient. She doesn’t take anything for granted, as she is intentional with her relationships. She doesn’t go around burning bridges and brushing people off. She makes connections wherever she goes and strives each day to be better than before.
4. She has a personal mission statement
A personal mission statement is the basis of every girl boss. It is her anthem and her war cry. When things get tough, she remembers it. She recites it, yes, sometimes even in front of the mirror. This is a mission statement just for her. People are not always going to give you words of encouragement, don’t be afraid to give them to yourself! You are fearless. You are strong. You are valuable. What are you striving for? What are your goals? What is your mission? Remind yourself of that always.
5. She puts her phone on “Do Not Disturb” while working
When it’s time to work, she works. She is her own accountability because she knows that she is responsible for her success, no one else. She avoids distractions and buckles down when things need her attention. She focuses on one thing at a time and moves through her to-do list, doing each to the best of her ability. She dedicates her attention to each assignment knowing that if she multitasks, she is at risk of doing things half way to only 50 percent of her ability.
6. She stays organized
Organization is the key to being on top of your shiz and staying up to date. A girl boss is always aware of her deadlines and she spends time organizing to save herself time and trouble later. I’ll tell you where a lot of people get messed up is in their organization. They try to organize as they go, but girly, that is simply just not doable. You must set aside time to organize and reorganize, it may feel like a waste of time now, but I promise you’ll end up wasting time later when you’re trying to find those papers you swore you put in the front pocket of your bag. Make sure everything has a place and that everything is in its place.
7. She wakes up ready (and early)
A girl boss wakes up ready for her day. While she may flirt with the idea of hitting her snooze button 8 times, she knows that she has a productive day ahead that requires her attention. She is a woman with the ambition and intention of making her day great, and you can’t do that from bed! So, get up, get movin’ and make today your day.
To start your day off constructive, here are five things you should have accomplished before 9:00am.
- Hydrate. Drinking water first thing in the morning will give you more energy; so fill up that bottle before bed!
- Wash up. Cleansing your face will immediately make you feel more awake and alert.
- Formulate your to-do list. Lay out today’s blueprint. You can’t get much done without a plan. A girl boss is never caught without hers.
- Meditate. Start your day with something positive! It’ll start you off on a great note.
- Eat. Never forget breakfast. Eating breakfast will make you more energized and alert, also you’ll be less likely to get a jumpstart on lunch.
8. She has a self-care routine
She knows she’s worth the time, so she makes sure to spend some on herself. She invests in her appearance and the body she’s been given. Your skin is like a jacket you can’t take off and everything you have, is the only one you’ll get, so take care of it. Neglecting yourself will buy you a one-way ticket straight down the drain. So, make time for a 15-minute workout. Wash your face each morning and each night. Lather up in cocoa butter before hitting the sheets.
9. She is well rested
A girl boss knows she is not her best self when she is tired, so she always makes sure she gets her 8 hours. In case you didn’t know, “making up” for sleep is not healthy. You cannot only sleep for 2 hours and swear you’ll make it up tomorrow by sleeping 12. Not to mention, you will have a hard time staying focused trying to run off only two hours. You’re sure to fall behind or do a poor job. You owe much more to yourself. Taking care of yourself is of the utmost importance, it’ll bleed into all other areas.
10. She tidies up before bed
A girl boss knows that whatever she doesn’t do today will be waiting there for her to do tomorrow. She knows that waking up to a mess will only start the day off with her feeling behind. Always take 10 minutes before bed to do a quick cleaning sweep, because a girl boss always gets her best rest with the feeling of having fresh start tomorrow.