Deciding on a university program is a major task that requires a lot of thought and research. It’s the first step to selecting the path you want to follow as an adult and unfortunately a lot of high school students are not fully educated on their options. Kris* is a fourth-year Biomedical Science student and is completing a thesis in cell signaling. She has been wrestling between completing her degree in Biomedical Science or switching her program major to Computer Science.
Why did you choose to apply to Biomedical Science?
I wanted to be a doctor, that’s it really. I didn’t do my research. My mind was set on becoming a doctor and I only looked into programs that allowed me to accomplish that goal. I applied to the University of Toronto and Ryerson, but ended up going with Ryerson because of the co-op program.
What issues are you having with Biomedical Science right now?
I just don’t want to be in the program anymore; I lost interest. In first year I was interested, but by second year I had lost my drive. I stuck with the program through my third year because I was getting good marks, but soon realized that I could attain good marks in any program if I tried hard enough. With that in mind, I took a Computer Science course as an elective and I absolutely loved it. I applied to switch right away so that my upcoming fourth year would instead be my third year of computer science (since some of my science courses and electives could cross over). Unfortunately, I was not accepted into the program, so in September 2017 I enrolled in all my required Biomedical Science courses and decided to just complete the program I had originally started.
I just couldn’t get Computer Science out of my mind though! I made up two schedules, one for Biomedical Science and one for Computer Science and would stare at them for hours each day. I kept on going back and forth because I just didn’t know what to do. I then started thinking- I knew I loved Computer Science so it made sense to put in the extra time and do something that I enjoyed. One extra year in university would save me many years of regret later in life. Sadly, I made up my mind too late and missed the date to add courses, so I was back at square one with my full Biomedical Science schedule.
Course deadlines are right around the corner now, have you finally decided what you want to do?
No I am still going back and forth! But at this point, I’m in my fourth year and I just want to graduate. I am mentally exhausted and I don’t know if I will have the energy or motivation to keep my grades up. Essentially, I need to decide if I want to move on with my life and graduate or take some extra time to pursue my passion in Computer Science.
Do you have any advice for your high school self?
Do your research and don’t be lazy! Try to go into something that you like and not something you feel like you should be doing. Don’t feel pressured to do something other than what you want to do. You’re the one who is living your life so don’t let anybody else control your decisions for you. And don’t be scared! With your full potential, you can succeed in anything you want to accomplish.
*A pseudonym to protect student’s identity
What are your thoughts around University programs? Are you happy in the program you are in? Tweet us @HCRyerson!