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How To Start Bullet Journaling in the New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

Each year, I purchase a new planner in pursuit of keeping my life organized. Plus, it makes me feel like the #GirlBoss we all aspire to be. And yet, each year I consistently fail to do all the things with my planner I intend to. Because of the courses I take, I have the same homework due each week and find my planner becomes filled with dates that I don’t look at only to slowly become another empty overly priced notebook, and an unfulfilled New Years’ resolution.

However, my hamster wheel of a brain still needs some way to remember all the tedious tasks and extra assignments that I have to complete. Once my planner fails, I use sticky notes. My mom likes to call it messy, I prefer disorderly organized. Recently, I found myself wanting to combine my need for a more organized system with my love of doodling. I always draw to relax or just clear my head, and finally, was suggested by a friend that I would be the perfect person to do a bullet journal. I did some research and found a notebook, set of pens, and ideas for layouts. If you feel a little overwhelmed by the thought of bullet journaling, here is mine for some inspiration or motivation to start this year like I did! 


The notebook (Amazon) : Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover Medium Dotted Journal [Berry]


Pens (Amazon): Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Pens, .3mm, Metal Clad Tip, 20-Pack, Assorted (334SB20BK).

There is an index in the beginning that I fill out so I can easily find things like my books to read list. The pages are already numbered in the planner which makes it even easier to keep track!

This planner makes keeping life organized more enjoyable!


The Happy List is a page that I turn to when I need a little pick me up to keep going and it reminds me that life is great, and to not sweat the small stuff. The books to read is also a cool way for me to remember book titles and be able to physically see what I accomplish.

Since you write the notebook as you go, this is the first six months so I can write down dates for the future!

I am testing out different layouts as I go, and this is the first one I have done for a monthly view. I am pleased with it. It allows me to remember when appointments are and what I need to complete for the month.

This is the first week of January. I wasn’t a huge fan of the layout and would not suggest it. However, since I wasn’t very busy it ended up working out, because I didn’t have to look at it often.


Another week- There are so many different ways you can personalize your own journal.

This is how far I am, and this also happens to be my favorite layout so far. At first, the idea of creating a journal a you go can appear tedious, and overwhelming. Once I slowly began to create the notebook, I started to relax about making it Pinterest-worthy and instead, focus on allowing it to soothe my mind. It feels therapeutic, and 2018, for me, is all about bettering myself. This includes, physically and mentally. Bullet journaling is my first step to achieving such goals.


Header image courtesy of YouTube. All article photos courtesy of Katelyn Kalleil.