Second semester has officially started, but for a lot of students it can be hard to get back into the swing of things after a long break. After about a month of having no tests, quizzes, or homework, and nothing to do except lay around and binge-watch your new favorite series, having even a few assignments can seem like an enormous task. So, here are a few tricks and tips I’ve learned over the past few years that have helped me to become a more productive student!
1. Wake up earlier
Waking up early sucks. But, if you can get up just a half hour earlier than you usually would, you’d be surprised how much more you can get done. Starting your day earlier will leave you with more time during the day to get stuff done. Â
2. Short naps (and only when you really need them)
If you feel yourself getting tired during the day there is nothing wrong with taking a nap, as long as you keep it short. A quick 20-minute nap will make you feel more rejuvenated than an hour-long nap. Plus, the less you nap the more time you’ll have for doing work and the earlier you can get to bed! (Bonus tip: drink some coffee before taking your 20-minute nap, the caffeine will kick in right after you wake up!)
3. Get a planner
An important part of this is only getting one planner for everything you have going on. Having multiple planners usually doesn’t work, ~trust me~. You’ll end up forgetting to write down important dates, or missing assignments or events. Also, remember to set aside some time once a day or once a week to organize and update it.
4. Find a few different study places
The library is great, but if that is not where you work best then don’t go there. On the other hand, if you love the library that’s also great, but find at least two other places to study. Eventually you might get tired of studying in the same place and studies have shown that you’ll remember things better if you don’t study them in the same place. Having more than one go-to place to study will also help during midterms and finals, when your usual study place might be busy.
5. Get rid of distractions
NO PHONES. Put it in your backpack or give it to a friend. If you think you can handle having with you, then be sure to set restrictions. You can also reward yourself with it after completing an assignment or after working for a certain amount of time. Similarly, don’t let yourself get drawn into your computer. Even if you need your computer to get work done, try not to let yourself open emails or check Facebook when you feel the need to procrastinate.
6. Set realistic goals
Writing a 10-page essay in one night is, for most people, very unrealistic. Think about your past experiences with similar assignments and figure out exactly how long you need to complete each task. Then set aside allotted amounts of time to work on each task.
7. Switch between subjects
If you find yourself growing bored or disinterested in reading, or writing, or anything else, switch tasks. Know how long you can concentrate on one subject before you get distracted and set a timer or mark specific places where you will switch gears. If you’re reading 30 pages in a textbook, place a marker every few pages and switch to something else –  a different reading, a different assignment, really anything productive works. You’ll find the assignments more bearable and you’ll get more done than you originally would have.
Remember, the most important thing here is to figure out what works best for you. Keeping these tips in mind, do what fits your life and your work/learning style. Hopefully these tricks will help to increase productivity and boost your GPA! Good luck and have a great second semester!