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Getting to Know Alana and Bárbara Before Saying Goodbye

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

2017 was the last year for Alana Claro and Barbara Muniz at Casper Libero. Both of them graduated from college – with honors, we must say – and left a legacy we’ll still carry on: the Her Campus Casper Libero University’s chapter.

Inseparable friends from the freshman to the senior year of college, their journey started with such a curious coincidence – or maybe destiny, you might think. Cause let’s be honest, what are the odds of finding out your new university friend has a dog named Charlie, just like your own pet? Because that’s exactly what happened when they met, back in 2014.

It’s been a long way: full of college works – just like the academic paper about the Disney World Alana and Barbara wrote and presented on National Intercom 2015 – , fun and, of course, a lot of Her Campus issues. It also came to their lives in 2015 and was even responsible for a friends trip to New York in 2016, when both of them went to the Her Campus Conference, in July.

But even though we could keep speaking about them as a team for hours and hours, what about their personal and individual lives and achievements?

Alana Claro, 22 years old, taurus

The methodic one of the duo, you and the last President of Her Campus Cásper Líbero could have endless conversations about planners and calendar systems. However, beyond her love for organization, there is her passion over the English language. This one started when she was just a baby, because, believe us, her childhood was not exactly what we could call a regular one.

“When I was young, my mother and my father – who is a surfer – enjoyed to plan miraculous trips, just like ‘oh, let’s go to Bali and spend 40 days’, so they used to go on a 40 days trip to Bali with baby Alana, when I was only three months”, she told us about the history behind her first contact with English. Alana’s first words, moreover, were spoken on the foreign language.

In high school, she decided to spend the last semester of her senior year in the US. After taking care of all the visa bureaucracy by herself, she flew to Arkansas to live with a host family. “I was very spoiled by my host mother, she even took me to Disney World and everything.” But that was not her last experience studying abroad, as she also took classes in the Centre for Victorian Studies at University of Exeter, in England, three years ago.

Her Campus is Alana’s baby and will always be a part of her life. Even if she goes to a different path, bringing the project to Cásper opened many opportunities and gave her the chance to grow on the professional side – and, of course, that is a mark in Bárbara’s life as well.

Bárbara Muniz, 22 years old, sagittarius

Just like Alana, the former Her Campus Cásper Líbero’s Editor in Chief is in love with the English language. Her father is an English teacher and she followed his steps at only 15 years old. With the money from the classes she taught, Bárbara paid for an exchange program and spent one month in England.

Besides that, Bárbara has another passion: acting. She did technical theater training, was a member of Grapetes, Cásper Líbero’s drama club, and shone as the main actress of the play “Polacas”, in 2016. Although, it also caused a little bit of confusion – her heart was divided between Journalism and theater.

But being on stage helped her to find a way in her career as a journalist, as she started to work on TV and fell in love with it. She believes that all this different experiences built her as she is. To leave the place where she spent the last four years is painful, but she does it with pride. “Cásper Líbero has been special in my life for several reasons and Her Campus is certainly one of them. It is a small piece of mine that remains for those who continue there and for those who is arriving too.”

From now on, they follow their dreams – Alana on Administration and her masters on Communications, Barbara on Telejournalism – and let HC on the hands of Anna Oliveira and Ana Fanelli. As editors, friends and journalism students who have learned a lot with Alana, Barbara and the whole Her Campus experience, all we have to say is thank you. For the learning and legacy to Cásper Líbero and all the girls who has already had – and will have – the opportunity to join the team.

Camille Carboni

Casper Libero '19

Senior at Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism and Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus. Proudly a cat person, tea and french desserts addicted and specially in love with cinnamon. Deeply crazy about maps and everything travel related, so if you wanna catch my attention, you should know airports will always be my favorite places on earth.
Larissa Bomfim

Casper Libero '19

Journalist and completely immersed in pop culture (and a little bit of indie, we must confess). My "watchlist" on Netflix is only smaller than my pile of books waiting to be read.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.