The fear of having your card declined is all too real for the modern day college student. Not having the funds to go out and splurge with your friends can be a lonely hour.
I’m here with some advice on how to effectively save some fast cash.
First of all, put down the chipotle and grab the meal offered at the school cafeteria. It might not be the greatest option but hey, food is food.
It’s time to start walking! Don’t waste your gas to go get your caramel frappucino from the Starbucks up the street.
Also, stop going to Starbucks! It’s overpriced bean water that you can easily make in your dorm. (Just kidding! I’ve been a gold member since 2014!)
Still looking for some fast cash? Use your refund check you didn’t spend on textbooks to go out and have fun! Spend it at the bar. (If you’re 21+ of course)
Talk to your local frat and tell them you’ll clean the house after the parties for a small fee. We all know Chad from Delta Feta Cheese doesn’t know how to use the swiffer his mom bought him at Target.
If you’re really smart, you’ll recycle all their Natural Light cans and sell them later. You won’t get much, but a quarter for laundry goes a long way.
Some real advice: sell your clothes. That shirt you haven’t worn in years but still brought it to school? Sell, sell, sell! Consignment shops are your best friend! Places like Plato’s Closet will pay you for your old clothes if they’re in good condition. And to be honest, college is the time to upscale your style and let go of the Aeropostale shirts you loved so much in highschool.
The college grind can be difficult. You’ll have days where you won’t have a penny to your name, but you’ll make it through, kid.
Vanessa Rivera